Saturday, February 17, 2024

Lenten Valentine Prayer

O Lord, fountain of ineffable and inexhaustible lovingkindness,
Untiring and undeterred Lover of our souls,
We confess that we have squandered our strength, our moments, and our very selves,
Wearying souls and bodies in pursuit of what is not love and does not satisfy.
Our adulterous hearts were made to love and be loved by You, our heavenly Bridegroom,
Whose love alone does not fade or fail, falter or break faith.
Rescue us from our idols;
Prune away our worthless, barren loves;
Open more of our hearts to yourself, whose love is life;
Replace our stony sin-stained hearts with new hearts, tender towards you;
So awaken our souls to your love, that we cannot but wholly cleave to you;
Captivate our every affection with your loveliness;
Console the desolate hearts with your mercies;
Embrace the lonely hearts with your delight;
Soothe the fearful hearts with your peace;
Heal the broken hearts with your compassion;
Seek out the wandering hearts with the wooing of your Spirit.
O Lord, who loved us to and through the cross,
Expand and expurgate our hearts to better love You who loved us first,
Without whom we would not know love at all.
In the name of the fairest and loveliest Lord Jesus we pray. Amen.

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