God is our salvation. Selah"
Psalm 68:19 ESV
Burden-bearing God:
You hold us up when our shoulders bow and knees buckle
You hold us up when our shoulders bow and knees buckle
under the heavy load of trials (and duties and blessings).
You hold us together when we are falling apart.
You hold us fast when we can't hold on.
You hold us in your impenetrable,
You hold us together when we are falling apart.
You hold us fast when we can't hold on.
You hold us in your impenetrable,
unalterable grasp of love and power.
You hold us with tungsten strength and maternal gentleness.
You hold us;
Grace us, Lord, with trust enough to rest in the refuge of Your hands,
In the name of Jesus,
You hold us with tungsten strength and maternal gentleness.
You hold us;
Grace us, Lord, with trust enough to rest in the refuge of Your hands,
In the name of Jesus,
Whose hands and heart and head
Were wounded for my transgressions
And crushed for my iniquities,
Were wounded for my transgressions
And crushed for my iniquities,