Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Good in All Tenses

"Listen to me, house of Jacob, all the remnant of the house of Israel, who have been sustained from the womb, carried along since birth. I will be the same until your old age, and I will bear you up when you turn gray. I have made you, and I will carry you; I will bear and rescue you."
Isaiah 46:3‭-‬4 CSB

"Our faith is built on a rock that can never be moved. Nothing in the past has shaken the foundation of our faith. Nothing in the present can move it. Nothing in the future will undermine it. Whatever may occur in the ages to come, there will always be good reason for believing in Jehovah and his faithful Word.

"The great truths he has revealed will never be disproved.
The great promises he has made will never be retracted.
The great purposes he has devised will never be abandoned.

"So long as we live, we will always have a refuge, a hope, a confidence, that can never be removed....

"The Lord is good to us in all tenses and in all ways.... Our experimental dealings with God make us know that he is our gracious helper from the first to the last" (Charles Spurgeon).

Eternal, unchanging Father,
The I AM from forever past to forever future; 
Prince of Peace, 
The Alpha and Omega, 
The same yesterday and today and forever;
Holy Spirit, 
Who hovered over the face of the deep in the beginning, 
You who dwell in me now to sanctify and encourage me, 
You who with the Bride say, "Come":

You marked me as Yours, O Triune God, 
From before the foundation of the world, 
Before I even existed.
Before I knew You,
You knew me;
Chose me; 
Loved me. 
In the fulness of time You brought me to Yourself, 
Gave me new birth, new eyes, new heart. 
You have been with me
And provided for all my needs, 
Protected me from dangers seen and unseen.

Yet when I gaze down the road of unknown years
Remaining in my life, 
Sometimes I worry
What will become of me 
When I am older and greyer and weaker than I am

Thank You for this promise, Lord.
You have written those remaining days; 
You know their number and their content; 
You write good stories for Your children.
You are good to us, to me,
In all tenses
And in all ways.

I believe; 
Help my unbelief.
Your grace has brought me safe this far. 
Your grace will lead me home, 
For Jesus' sake. 