God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble.
Psalms 46:1 CSB
O God, You are our refuge and strength,
Our very present help in trouble.
You are the God who was,
And is, and is coming,
And You are the very present God,
Present in this ticking of the second hand,
In this stroke of the pen,
In this tapping of keyboard,
In this swallowing of medication,
In this swing of the bat,
In this meal prepared,
In this pairing up of clean socks,
In this diaper change.
As constant as breath,
You are very present
in this present moment with me.
And You in whom we live and move and have our being,
From whom no one can flee or hide--
You are the very present God,
Here in this aching body,
In this consoling chair,
In this warm house,
In this solitary office,
In this Mom-taxi,
In this basketball court,
In this blackland prairie town,
In this languishing culture,
In this groaning world.
As pervasive as my DNA,
You are very present
In this present place with me.
You are my refuge and strength,
A very present,
Abundantly available* help
And Now,
In trouble and in triumph.
Therefore we need not fear.
Lord, we believe.
Help our unbelief.
*NASB1995 margin, Ps 46:1