Monday, July 31, 2017

Our Always-and-Everywhere Home

"Always and everywhere we may find our dwelling-place in God, who has been the home, and refuge, and abiding-place of His people in all generations.

Always and everywhere we may retreat into Him from the windy storm and tempest.

Always and everywhere we may make His nature not only our fortress and strong-tower, but our oratory, our temple.

May the Holy Spirit make real to each of us this possibility of living in the house of the Lord hourly and daily;
where all tears are wiped as soon as shed;
whither cares cannot invade;
and where the Good Shepherd leads His flock ever into green pastures so that they cannot hunger,
and beside still waters so that they cannot thirst;
and in cool deep glens,
so that the sun cannot smite by day nor the moon by night!
Heaven before we reach heaven!"
(F. B. Meyer, The Shepherd Psalm, Kindle Location 1118, formatting mine)