Monday, July 10, 2017

Full Fountain of Joy

"Remember, O my soul,
It is thy duty and privilege to rejoice in God:
He requires it of thee for all his favours of grace.
Rejoice then in the giver and his goodness,
Be happy in him, O my heart, and in nothing but God,
   for whatever a man trusts in,
   from that he expects happiness.

"He who is the ground of thy faith
   should be the substance of thy joy.
Whence then come heaviness and dejection,
   when joy is sown in thee,
   promised by the Father,
   bestowed by the Son,
   inwrought by the Holy Spirit,
   thine by grace,
   thy birthright in believing?

"...Let God be all in all to thee,
   and joy in the fountain that is always full."

~"A Colloquy on Rejoicing," The Valley of Vision, 153

This post was scheduled more than a week ago. I had no way of knowing then that on the publication date we would be counting the final days of a family member's cancer battle. I considered rescheduling the post for some later date; however, these words are still just as true, though incongruous with today's emotions. Only joy in and from God never disappoints. When He is our trust, He can give joy even in the midst of sorrow and grief.

Thank you, kind crumbles, for lifting Amore's family in prayer this week. It's been quite a hard year. To quote C. S. Lewis, "We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be" (Letters to an American Lady).