Saturday, February 18, 2017

Through A Shadowed Valley

Psalm 23:1-3, ESV

A Psalm of David.

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.
He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.

Cindy at a family gathering in 2014
My sister-in-law Cindy Davis is an accomplished artist and photographer. Three of her works grace our home. Like Amore, she is a missionary kid who spent much of her youth in East Africa. She married another missionary kid, and they served together as missionaries for many years in Zambia and Papua New Guinea. They also spent a decade in vocational ministry in the United States between missionary assignments.

In 2012 they relocated in order to move in with our Moore parents and provide the care they needed to continue to live at home safely. Jim has full-time paid employment and serves on the preaching team at their church, so Cindy is the primary caregiver.

A year ago, Cindy was diagnosed with peritoneal cancer, even as Dad Moore's health was declining and needing more of her time and energy. After months of cancer improvement with chemo, her cancer stopped responding to the first course of treatment. She is still fighting, now with the help and support of Cancer Treatment Center of America in Phoenix. Please pray with us for her complete remission. Prayer is the most important part of this fight, and we are grateful for everyone who fights alongside us in that way.

If you would like more details on her journey and how you might help, the family has set up the following site for her (or see the sidebar of the blog):

Update, 7 March 2017:
Cindy is in Phoenix again for her second treatment. Thanks to the generosity of many people, her financial need for this course of treatment is nearly met. Her tumor marker is still high but has dropped by 45% because of the first round of treatment. Please continue to pray for her to receive complete remission and withstand the miseries chemo inflicts on the body. Thank you for reading and praying. Medical updates are being shared at the website above, under the "Fundraiser Updates" section.

Update, August 12, 2017:
Cindy transitioned to home hospice last month. Her body is slowly shutting down, and we are praying for the Lord to ease her suffering in her last days here. Thank you for your prayers for her and for all who love her as we grieve and walk with the Lord through the coming transition to life without her here. We do not grieve without hope, and we thank the Lord that she will soon be in His presence without pain and that her believing family and friends will see her again.

Update, August 20, 2017:
Cindy passed away in the early afternoon with her sister holding her hand and singing a hymn. We miss her but give thanks that her suffering is over and she is fully and permanently healed. The family welcomes your prayers as we grieve and make preparations for travel and her memorial services.