Friday, March 27, 2015

A Day of Celebration

Christmas Day 2014
Today is my Amore's birthday, although it doesn't feel like it. He celebrated early with his colleagues, church friend, and me because we had travel plans this weekend. Then I acquired my third cold and sinus infection since Thanksgiving, so now we're home after all with no special plans. (Family circumstances have provided additional confirmation of the decision, so we're at complete peace with the change.)

But still it is a special day, a day of celebration: the anniversary of my beloved's birth and the anniversary of the night he asked to court me.

Will you indulge a fond wife, then, if she offers a few things she loves about him? If not, you should probably close this browser tab now.

He is wonderful with Ebony, who acknowledges him as the Alpha Dog of our household. Ebony will obey Amore when he has been completely ignoring me, for example, when Eb is refusing to interrupt his perimeter sweep of the backyard though I'm calling him inside. All Amore must do is appear in the doorway and say his name, and he'll come running. Ebony may be my shadow and protective detail, but he has no rest in the evening until he has claimed his spot cuddled up against his master on the loveseat.

He is just as talented with our young nephews. Amore is the uncle who wrestles with them, lifts them high above his head so they can pretend to fly, slings them over his shoulder as "a sack of treasure" when they're playing pirates, and has occasionally even been known to join them on their trampoline. Thunder especially adores snuggling up to his uncle whenever possible. His way with them makes me unreasonably happy.

He is a gifted leader who seems to rise to the top of every group, whether at church, at work, or on the mission field. There's something in his quiet manner that inspires respect and communicates credibility. He's comfortable speaking to a crowd in a way that boggles my mind.

That said, if he doesn't know the answer to your question, he is willing to say, "I don't know," or I'll find out."

He serves me well and patiently, even when I fall ill at the least opportune moments or back the car into the garage door. Even when my computer dies in the midst of the holidays and the class he's teaching. Even when ants invade my office on a Sunday afternoon. Alas, none of these is a hypothetical scenario.

We share a goofy sense of humor and enjoyment of plays on words and puns, for which I'm so grateful. If I can make him grin or even laugh, it's the highlight of my day, even if said laugh is at my expense.

And don't even get me started on how handsome and distinguished-looking he is or how his eyes change color subtly depending on mood and clothing.

After 16 years, I'm still smitten with him. Happy birthday, my love!