Monday, December 8, 2014

Calendar Giveaway

{The giveaway is now closed. Congratulations to Laura Boggess, our calendar winner!}

Blessed Advent, my Crumble friends! We are overdue for a giveaway here, and it's time to remedy that.

The afternoon before my Nonni passed away found me hard at work on a calendar project for her Christmas gift. She loved working in her garden and watching the birds. When she moved to the apartment where she spent her last year, the flowers, yard work, and winged things were what she missed most. We would take her photos of our garden and birds when we went to visit, but I thought we could do better: a 2015 calendar so she would have a photo of outdoor beauty for each month of the year.

Blackberries (August)


Then the Lord took her Home, and I considered abandoning the nearly completed project. Amore disagreed, suggesting the project could be in Nonni's memory instead. In thinking through who might like one, we thought of you.

The photos (for better or for worse) come from my camera and resemble what you see here on the blog. If this would bless you or perhaps someone you love who, like my grandmother, has limited access to outdoor beauty, please leave a comment below as your entry. will select the winning comment number on Saturday, December 13, 2014. Entries will be accepted until noon that day. If you read this by e-mail or in a feed reader, please comment at the Web page for this post. I will contact the winning reader by e-mail to obtain his or her physical mailing address.

Linking up to Laura Boggess and her Playdates community today:
Laura Boggess