Monday, May 5, 2014

Coming up Roses

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"There is not one blade of grass,
there is no color in this world
that is not intended to make us rejoice."
~John Calvin (emphasis mine)

Thanks be to God for His many gifts of joy this past week, including:
His Word,
an opportunity to give back in a small way to my women's Bible study last Wednesday,
an opportunity to bless with our roses a woman who, like my grandmother, lives in a retirement apartment and misses her rose garden,
kind comments and generous prayers from Crumbles and other friends,
a little longer walk Saturday,
crossing paths with my dad on his bike ride and pausing for a hug,
lots and lots of ducklings at the pond,
and turtles,
two visits from Mr. and Mrs. Goldfinch, whom we don't often see at our feeder,
a new little tufted titmouse who so far eludes my camera,
Ebony Dog's happy grin,
a little unexpected pain help from an essential oil my sister suggested,
two-thirds of my immediate family enjoying Walt Disney World this week,
plans with the sister who stayed behind to watch Frozen later this week,
kind listeners after church,
opportunity to give kind (I trust) listening to someone else,
celebrating Star Wars Day yesterday by watching The Empire Strikes Back with Amore,
the silly zoo sign he shared with me:
Safety First
Um, yeah. And that would just ruin my whole day.

and (seriously) especially God's promise of presence, possession, power, help, and upholding:
‘Do not fear, for I am with you;
Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you, surely I will help you,
Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’
Isaiah 41:10, NASB
(2014 gratitude journal #1233-1251)

sharing gratitude, a playdate with God in my garden, and a place of spiritual whitespace with these friends:
  Faith Barista