Thursday, August 8, 2013

Blogiversary Giveaway: a Touch of Comfort {Three Years}

Update: This giveaway is closed. chose number 3, which is Deanna. (Comments appear in reverse chronological order, newest to oldest, but numbers were assigned in chronological order.) Congratulations, Deanna!

As a small thank-you to those kind enough to share life with me here, I'm offering a giveaway to celebrate three years of this blog (as of August 7, 2013). If this giveaway has a theme, as my youngest sister Terza's gifts often used to, it's comfort. If you or someone you know is in need of some Christian comfort, please leave a comment below (at this actual blog post, if you're reading by e-mail or RSS feed) to enter the giveaway. The winner will be chosen by at 5 pm, CDT, on August 16 (next Friday).

Without further ado, here are the giveaway items:

~one copy of the visually stunning and truth-full children's devotional (which I actually bought and read for myself before giving my first copy away to someone with, you know, actual children) Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing, by Sally Lloyd-Jones;

For a transcription of this particular spread, please see the earlier post about this book here.

~and one holding cross made of our native Texas pecan wood by a local family business.

Mine is a different wood, and the giveaway cross is not engraved, but this gives an idea of scale in a smallish adult hand.
If this offering (and possibly a little sweet something extra) appeals to you, please leave a comment below the giveaway post on the blog itself. If for some reason Disqus should misbehave, please e-mail me at crumbsfromhistable at gmail dot com and I will assign you a number based on the time stamp on your e-mail.

To simplify the drawing, if you'd prefer *not* to enter the giveaway but would like to leave a comment about the blogiversary, would you be so kind as to click this link to the previous retrospective post, "A Different Me" and comment there instead? Thank you so much.

Whether you choose to enter or not, no matter what brought you here or what your day may hold, let this be true for you, Crumbles:
The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24-26, ESV