Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day {and a Shameless Plug}

Whether you have children, want to have children, or perhaps are yet a child yourself, may the Lord bless you this Mother's Day with joy, strength, comfort, and a deep awareness of how much He loves you. Just you, exactly as you are. He delights in you, friend!

Would you prayerfully consider joining with Amore and me in blessing another family today? My dear friend of more than two decades (!), Kate at Songs Kate Sang, her husband, and their son and daughter are in the process of adding to their family through adoption. The whole story has been a miracle from start to finish, but they need God to show His stuff one more time by providing the cost of the adoption.

Because of our personal knowledge of this family, we have no reservations whatsoever about sharing this opportunity with you. In this post at Kate's blog, she explains ways available to partner with them in this process, including specific prayer needs. If God leads you to do nothing else, please pray for this family now. If you'd like to participate in additional ways, please stop by her blog and prayerfully consider how God might have you do so.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ
and the love of God
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
2 Corinthians 13:14, ESV