Monday, April 22, 2013

Creation's Song

Yahweh, our Lord,
how magnificent is Your name throughout the earth!
You have covered the heavens with Your majesty.
Psalm 8:1, HCSB

No parsley, but sage (far right), rosemary (back), and thyme

Mexican yucca

Pink evening primroses

Incipient blackberries

First larkspur

New herbs and vegetables and a wisteria bush
Some fragrance and cheer inside, too
{"Creation Song" by Fernando Ortega; to view and listen on the Web, please visit the actual post at crumbs}

Creation sings God's praise
Day and night, though cities quake,
Though the strongest fall.

Breathe in His beauty.
Lean on His steadfast mercies.
Cry to God. He hears.

He shares our sorrows.
He shelters beneath His wings.
He fails not His own.

Grace and faithfulness
Turn mourning into dancing;
Our Lord holds out hope.

Thank You, Lord, for eucharisteos pleasant and painful:
for a doctor willing to come in before office hours to accommodate a loved one's needs
for Mom's shoulder pain not requiring surgery
for stories on screen of Christian faith in action
for the courageous first-responders in Boston and West, Texas
for a friend's surgery success
for a brief visit to her home
for leaning on each other for prayer in hard times
for lunch with another friend
for text message grace
for a photo of two dear faces together
for roses blooming
for blackberries' sweet promises
for masses of pink primroses
for favorable weather this weekend
for Amore's satisfaction in dirt and growing things
for a better response to acupuncture than last week
for an evening visit from our neighbor, who came demanding chocolate and roses (She's 4.)
for kisses blown
for winged visitors to watch and hear
for starting over in a new journal and on a new One Thousand Gifts
for happy new things: cousin's daughter, Kate's adoption, Teagirl's puppy
for His hand holding me fast (Isaiah 41:10)
 for the pressures that drive me to You
for songs in the night (Ps. 42:8)
for memorial stones
(Joy Dare, #60-84)

O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth!
Psalm 8:1, ESV

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