Monday, March 11, 2013

Author of All Blessings

9575. One gift read:
Thou great Three-One,
Author of all blessings I enjoy, of all I hope for....

Thou hast shown me
that the sensible effusions of divine love in the soul
are superior to and distinct from bodily health,
and that oft-times spiritual comforts are at their highest
when physical well-being is at its lowest.

Thou hast given me the ordinance of song as a means of grace;
Fit me to bear my part in that music ever new,
which elect angels and saints made perfect
now sing before thy throne and before the Lamb.

I bless thee for tempering every distress with joy;
too much of the former might weigh me down,
too much of the latter might puff me up;
Thou art wise to give me a taste of both.

I love thee
for giving me clusters of grapes in the wilderness,
and drops of heavenly wine
that set me longing to have my fill.

Apart from thee I quickly die,
bereft of thee I starve,
far from thee I thirst and droop;

But thou art all I need.
Let me continually grasp the promise,
'I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.'

~The Valley of Vision, "Blessings," p. 159~

9576. Two gifts read: still paging through The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment and finding challenges there. (It's not a long book, but it goes slowly at two Kindle screens per night at bedtime.)
9577. (More than) Three gifts read: kind, prayerful e-mails from friends this week
9578. Two blessed inches of rain Saturday night
9579. Bathtub faucets that no longer drip
9580. An honest electrician giving me the straight information about a repair even though it meant taking care of the matter ourselves this time
9581. Husband's clever solution to that repair (a motion-activated light in the closet!)
9582. Laughing at myself every time I walk in that space and reach for a non-existent pull chain
9583. Better sleep 4 of the last 5 nights
9584. New prescription cough medicine without side effects
9585. Halfway through the second course of antibiotics for upper respiratory infection
9586. Inexplicable ankle pain flare keeping me from temptation to go for walks despite cough
9587. My little wren friend Luciano coming to visit the kitchen window while my parents were here for lunch
9588. Two weeks to complete Bible study homework because of Spring Break here
9589. A meal with new acquaintances last night
9590. Good listeners
9591. Three chapters of Ephesians memorized, by God's grace
9592. The prayers of friends
9593. and of strangers
9594. A positive job change for a friend's family
9595. One hour of listening left on Les Miserables audiobook
9596. "Him who is able to do immeasurable more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us" (Eph. 3:20, NIV1984)