Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Our Shepherd's Care

Photo credit: Monica Leone, used with permission

This morning my sister Mezzo sent me the above iPhone photo with the following text:
For the last week, each time I look out my window and see the bright green pasture across the street with colorful cattle calmly grazing, I feel peace as I'm reminded of how well our Shepherd/Lord cares for us, provides what we need, and leads us to greener pastures when it's time.
Lord, You are our shepherd. In You we have everything we need. You make us lie down in peace, without cause for fear, in green pastures. You lead us beside waters of rest. You restore our souls, and do we ever need that! You lead us in right paths, paths of righteousness and not evil, for the sake of Your name.

Because You our shepherd are leading us, we need not fear when the path leads through the valley of the shadow of death. We need not fear because You have led us and remain with us. We need not fear, but we do. Lord, have mercy on us. Let Your perfect love drive out our fears. Let Your rod of defense and discipline and Your staff of rescue and guidance reassure our sheepish hearts.

You even prepare a table for us in the presence of our enemies. Talk about unintimidated! You anoint our heads with oil. . . oil for healing, oil to repel pests, oil of consecration, oil of joy. Our cup overflows. Surely your goodness and steadfast love will chase us down all the days of our lives. Beyond that, we will dwell in Your house forever!

We thank You, Lord. You are good. Your steadfast love endures forever. We praise you for bringing us into Your flock through Jesus the Shepherd-Lamb. Only because of Him do we make bold to approach You in prayer. Amen.

(Prayer adapted from Psalm 23)

Thank You, Lord, for more of Your gifts:
Your goodness :: Your sufficiency :: Your sovereignty :: taking the Lord's Supper Sunday ::
failure of a temporary plumbing repair :: needs exceeding resources :: lunch with my parents::
the prayers of the saints :: continued back pain not responding much at all to therapy this time ::
ankle improving again after lost ground due to my mistake in home exercises a week ago ::
enough pain control Saturday to celebrate the Thunder Twins' 6th birthday :: Nonni hugs ::
the energy of a house full of young children playing :: frozen yogurt date with Amore  on a sunny Sunday ::
physical therapist willing to work with me to adjust care to insurance and new pain issues ::
youngest sister's first PT session going well with her sons in the waiting room watching a movie ::
parents able to spend long weekend away ::  Ebony staying out of the compost this week :)
a new wren (Luciano?) visiting my kitchen window yesterday morning :: the whole bird orchestra tuning up at dawn :: encouraging e-mails :: my Valentine

(Joy Dare #9289-9310)