Monday, January 28, 2013

On This Day in January {Daybook 2013}

For 28 January 2013

Outside my window...
The overcast sky dulls the already dull colors of the brown winter grass and pavement, but not the premature green blades pushing up from the back garden, apparently confused by the warm temperatures.

I am thinking...
about the difference between Galatians 6:2, "Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ," and Galatians 6:5, "For each one will bear his own load." Personally, I am grateful for friends who helped bear the burden of increased back pain last week by praying for me and for the physical therapy machine that "reduced the load" on my low back and ankle so I could walk on the treadmill there. As Moses had Aaron and Hur to hold up his arms holding the staff of God so that the army of Israel would prevail (Exodus 17:6-16), as he had Jethro to advise him to delegate some of the responsibility of governing the people, we all need comrades in the body of Christ to help us bear what is too great and set boundaries when we take on more than we ought (Exodus 18:13-27).

Sometimes we need straight talk to give ourselves permission to rest, and sometimes we just need someone to put a stone beneath us so we can sit down, don't we? I pray you have such people.

I am thankful...
Right now, my back and ankle both hurt less today than last week.

In the kitchen...
My study things are spread out over the table waiting for me to read through this week's Nehemiah homework. Nothing is cooking because my beloved is fetching home some healthy prepared meals, thanks to a Groupon deal.

I am wearing...
a well-worn periwinkle cotton knit dress and a light grey short-sleeved sweater (and ankle brace and wrist brace).

I am creating...
nothing of significance at present. Disrupted sleep and busy days leave body and mind weary.

I am going...
to my fourth physical therapy appointment in the morning after taking A. to work.

I am wondering...
what the outcome of this cycle of physical therapy will be and what to do about the new aches that keep cropping up.

I am reading...
The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs. I'm also listening to the audiobooks of Jane Eyre and Les Miserables.

I am hoping...
for that new body God is preparing for me someday. More immediately, I'm hoping to sleep through the night tonight.

I am looking forward to...
seeing friends at Bible study Wednesday morning, Lord willing.

I am learning...
Ephesians 3:8-9, NIV1984:
Although I am less than the least of all God’s people, this grace was given me: to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, and to make plain to everyone the administration of this mystery, which for ages past was kept hidden in God, who created all things.

Around the house...
Laundry sits in the washer pre-soaking, the sink is beautifully empty, my planner needs updating, Bible study homework awaits, and my PT things are gathered for tomorrow. Ebony sits in "my" favorite chair, his usual post when I'm at the computer, and husband remains at the office a bit longer.

I am pondering...
what "wall" God has (or wants to) put in my heart to build. That's another overarching challenge question in this Bible study. I didn't have an answer for it the first time round, and I'm not sure I do this time either, other than the obvious, to grow in (active) love for the Lord, my husband, and the body of Christ.

A favorite quote for today...
   I read a lot of theology books. That's my job--and my passion. But every time I pick one up, I raise a silent challenge: "Make me sing." I go to a lot of worship services. That also is my job--and my passion. My challenge is, "Take me deeper." The knowledge of God and the praise of God, theology and doxology, belong together. They are dance partners in the fulfillment of our chief end: to glorify and enjoy God forever. 
   Theology that doesn't make us sing has failed in its mission, no matter how correct it may be. Worship that doesn't take us deeper into Christ has also failed, no matter how glorious the music or how applicable the sermon. Praising God properly means deepening our knowledge of this God we adore. Our hearts should be set aflame when we really explore how the Father sent His Son into the world to save us, and then joined us to that Savior by sending His Holy Spirit into our hearts. Great theology stirs the heart. Excellent worship grows our knowledge. (Dr. Gerrit Scott Dawson, "Theology and Doxology," Tabletalk, January 2013).

One of my favorite things...
a rediscovered afghan my grandmother made when my sisters and I were small.
And today the role of Vanna White will be played by Ebony Dawg.
A few plans for the rest of the week:
physical therapy, Bible study gathering, a routine health screening (which I hope yields routine results), a home refinance meeting, and physical therapy.

A peek into my day...
(Ok, so this photo was taken two weeks ago, but I just copied it from the camera today, and it makes me smile. Fair enough?)

Sharing with Peggy Hostetler's The Simple Woman's Daybook today

Also, I must not neglect to keep counting God's gifts, the obviously good and the mysteriously so:
a new sister in Christ on a foreign mission field :: angels rejoicing :: inexplicably high back pain levels last week :: opportunity to receive physical therapist's help :: loads lifted :: loads shared :: astonishing improvement in ankle strength and mobility :: answered prayer for sleep Tuesday night :: attending Bible study group :: borrowed second car to make appointments easier last week :: time with my parents :: and Mezzo :: Chinese takeout for supper Friday night :: enough pain control for movie with Amore yesterday :: the sure promise of happiness to those who wait for (hope in, expect, long for) the Lord

Therefore the Lord is waiting to show you mercy,
and is rising up to show you compassion,
for the Lord is a just God.
All who wait patiently for Him are happy.
Isaiah 30:18, HCSB

counting gifts 9000-9014 along with the gratitude community at A Holy Experience,