Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving;
make melody to our God on the lyre!
He covers the heavens with clouds;
he prepares rain for the earth;
he makes grass grow on the hills.

He gives to the beasts their food,
and to the young ravens that cry.

His delight is not in the strength of the horse,
nor his pleasure in the legs of a man,
but the Lord takes pleasure in those who fear him,
in those who hope in his steadfast love.
Psalm 147:7-11, ESV
At the heart of my town's suburban sprawl, a farm has endured. One of our city's earliest Caucasian families still owns it, although just this year a parcel of this land was sold and rezoned, more's the pity. Driving past the pastures and animals, watching the windmill spin by the barn, and enjoying this vision of peace provided by the labor of others improves a good day and ameliorates a bad one.
We drove past the farm this morning on the way home from another medical appointment. My surgery recovery has gone smoothly so far. Unhappily for me, however, my ankle's collision with the metal bed frame in the Saturday morning darkness has put me back in a walking boot until the bone bruise heals.
Support for the aching joint, ointments for my wounds, medication to help bear discomfort, hands to hold, and bodies to hug all help, but gratitude is good medicine too. Proclaiming truth about God and returning thanks for His gifts and work are trust shovels I can ply to dig channels for hope to flow.
And so I dig away, through rocky ground and soft, praising God from whom all blessings flow (and it's all blessing, all grace, even when it comes in a thorny package):
His creation, which ministers grace in so many ways
a surprise visit from a friend and her new puppy Audrey (as in Hepburn)
no new concerns at my annual skin cancer screening
a surprise visit from our little neighbor "Livvy"
laughing with/at her antics
husband able to resume two-wheeled commute
a surprise visit (can we see a pattern here?) from another neighbor, thanking me in person for a birthday gift
good sleep the night before surgery
successful procedure
good medical care providers
nothing unexpected to God, "no panic in heaven, only plans," as Corrie ten Boom said
husband taking good care of me without complaint
plentiful meal prepared by parents
surgical wound healing well
a scheduling clerk and doctor willing to work me in on a full day
ankle not broken
permission, nay, orders to rest
the subtle way God communicates, "You keep using that rest word. I do not think it means what you think it means." :)
quilt, pillows, and dog waiting for naptime
phones with cameras that capture images of favorite places
horses, moo-cows, and alpacas
green pastures
friends who grab their faith shovels to help me dig
(gratitude list, #7966-7991)
sharing in community with Laura and Ann today
(Really going to rest now. Blogging is good medicine too?)
(Really going to rest now. Blogging is good medicine too?)