Ancient of Days, we praise You that You are the one who
removes kings and establishes them. We praise You that Jesus, the King of
kings, sits at Your right hand, far above all rulers and authorities, powers
and dominions, and every title--including President, Senator, Representative,
and Judge--that can be given, not only in the present age, but also in the one
to come.
In that confidence, we entrust ourselves and our nation to
You. Guide us in Your will, not ours, as we cast our votes. May the elected officials, including our next
President, live in voluntary personal
submission to Your reign. Show them Your ways, O Lord; teach them Your paths,
for You are God our Savior, and our hope is in You all day long. We ask this in
the name and authority of Jesus the mighty one. Amen.
(Dan. 7:9; 2:21; Eph 1:20-21; Ps 25:4-5)