Monday, October 15, 2012

On This Day in October

For October 15, 2012

Outside my window...
The street is quiet, the sunlight filtered by clouds and the strong branches of our live oak (#7615).

I am thinking...
what a gracious blessing praying friends are! (7616)

I am thankful...
My sister resumed driving after her accident, returned to classes but not singing yet, and learned she can receive free legal assistance through the university where she's enrolled (7617-18).

In the kitchen...
Dishes need to be stowed in cabinets, salmon sits defrosting in the refrigerator for tonight, and my list is not shrinking very fast (yet here I sit...). (7619)

I am wearing...
a royal purple tunic, jeans, and sheepskin clogs (7620-21, plentiful clothing and warm shoes)

I am creating...
well, this blog post for one. Also, the second sock of the pair I started early in the year is on my knitting needles, now that the ergonomic issues with yarncrafting seem to have resolved (7622-7623).

I am going...
to lunch with my mom and our breast-cancer survivor friend (7624).

I am wondering...
whether I should be wearing pink for her instead, especially since it's October. Oh, wait, is that not what the question intended? :)

I am reading...
Beth Moore's study When Godly People Do Ungodly Things (fall Bible study); 1 Kings, Psalms, Daniel, and 1 Thessalonians; and an Italian-American novel from the library (youngest sister's recommendation because of our heritage).
(I'm also in the middle of five other books, which is excessive even for me, but none of them are actually getting read at present. There's probably a 12-step group for that.) (7625)

I am hoping...
a pink spot on my scalp is nothing serious (7626, chance to grow in trust).

I am looking forward to...
our last Bible study discussion Wednesday (7627).

I am learning...
to trust God with my loved ones. Again. (7628)

Around the house...
Ebony is asleep in the wing chair next to the computer and all is quiet today. (7629)

I am pondering...
whether I really need more faith or just need to realize all over again how big and mighty God is. Elijah's faith in 1 Kings 18 really challenged me this morning. Am I so confident (1) that God hears prayer and (2) that He can burn up an animal sacrifice, wet wood, dust, stones, and a trench full of water that I'd stake my life and His reputation on it? (7630)

A favorite quote for today...
this whole prayer by Scotty Smith, but here's my favorite bit:
Expel the fears that set up residence in our hearts with a fresh influx of Jesus’ perfect love.... You’ve numbered our hairs and our days. You’ve got the hearts of every king in your hand. Nothing catches you off guard or by surprise. There are no wrinkles in your brow and there’s no second-guessing in your courts. You don’t always do what we want, but you always do what we we’d ask, if we only knew better. You give and you take away—blessed be your name, O Lord. (7631)

One of my favorite things...
time at the piano with a hymnal and no one around to hear. Except Ebony. He's an easy critic. (7632)

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Doctor Tuesday, Bible study and cleaning lady Wednesday, visit with Mezzo Friday (7633)

I am memorizing...
Ephesians 1:22-23, NIV84:
And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way (7634).

A peek into my day...
7635. Splendor of the King

sharing with Ann, Laura, and for the first time with Simple Woman's Daybook