Monday, October 8, 2012

If You're Feeling Vulnerable

Crumbles, thank you for your prayers for my sister Mezzo. Last week's tests ruled out fractures and serious internal injuries. She hopes to return to work and school tomorrow but needs more strength in her sprained wrist before she can drive herself again (a daunting step in her recovery). We appreciate your continued prayers as the Lord leads.

Cold enough for a blanket of mist to rise from the pond this morning, more mysterious than the phone's camera picked up :)

The one who lives under the protection of the Most High
dwells in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”

He Himself will deliver you from the hunter’s net,
from the destructive plague.
He will cover you with His feathers;
you will take refuge under His wings.
His faithfulness will be a protective shield.
Psalm 91:1-4, HCSB

If you're feeling like a sitting duck in hunting season,
May you know the Most High's bulletproof wings about you;

If the trials pile on, one after another--
No, one atop another--
May you experience the Lord's shoulder pressed into yours,
Making the impossible burden easy, the yoke light;

If your arms quiver and grow weak from holding up that shield of faith,
But the fiery darts keep coming,
May His faithfulness be the shield about you,
And may He send sisters and brothers to add their shields to yours;

If you're feeling exposed, vulnerable,
A china cup with a bull charging in,
Cry to the Lord,
"My refuge! My fortress! My God, in whom I trust!"
Abide in Him;
Cling to Him in love;
And watch for Jesus your Savior to show up.

May He gloriously and tenderly display His love and power to you in your every need,
Not because of anything in you or me to earn such favor,
But because of Jesus, Savior, Emmanuel,
In whose name I offer these requests.

[If you're reading this via email or feed reader, you may need to visit the actual crumbs blog to view the video.]

Gratefully acknowledging once again God's goodness in this last week and trusting, asking for grace for the week now begun:
sister's good progress and prognosis in her recovery from car accident
first real cold front of autumn
husband who vacuums and empties canister and takes vacuum apart for cleaning
neighbor at the door with plants to pass along
spicy Indian food on chilly night
church with my husband and parents
making leaf rubbing "art" for my nephews on a Sunday afternoon
skin and senses slowly healing from virus
finally finishing a sock begun months ago
listening to the wisdom of others
passing on a box of office and craft supplies to my other sister, the homeschooling mom
free drink coupon from Starbucks
meeting my husband's new co-workers, faces to go with the names
reminders that my body is not my own but God's...
...and I can't protect myself or my loved ones from all harm...
...but it's not my job anyway
mist on the pond at dawn