Monday, October 22, 2012

Concert of Prayer

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord.
Psalm 150:6

Shutting the door on the distracting, the unfinished,
I take my prayers outdoors.
The liturgy has begun without me
Yet bids me enter in.

A mockingbird carols its medleyed melody of borrowed psalms.
Fritillaries and queens glide and flutter, drinking deeply the goodness of the Lord.
Bees buzz the possible impossible, flying because nothing is too hard for Him.
Grasshoppers leap for joy in the autumn-dull grass.
Lavender, rosemary, basil, and thyme proclaim the sweet savor of His grace.
The poplar claps its leaves with a sound like falling rain.
Moonflower lifts its tight bud, biding time to waft its incense in the watches of the night.
Cloudless blue arches over all in Aaronic benediction.

Everything that has breath--
And some things that haven't--
Praise the Lord.
(Will I?)

Today I'm saying yes to praise, thanking God for His good gifts this past week:
lunch with Mom and a friend
next-day appointment to have suspicious skin change biopsied
Bible study ladies praying together
employment prayer for a friend's husband answered right away
favorable settlement for Mezzo to replace her car
kind words from new friend
preaching gospel of grace to myself
blog friend working a cue into her day to remind her to pray for me
hour in the shade, delighting in the Creator's presence in the garden
correspondence exchanged with friends
girls' night with Mezzo
guys' night for husband
quiet Sunday nursing colds
watching local sports team win this week
long nap to make up for bad night
starting the week slowly
(counting gifts #7707-7721)

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