Isn't it funny how we slow or stop our labors on Labor Day? One thing I mustn't ever stop is praising and thanking God for His many good gifts, even the hard things becoming blessed in His hands.
Thank You, Lord, for this past week of graces:
~long-awaited lunch with a friend finally come to fruition
~rare, unexpected lunch and afternoon with baby sister
~talking heart to heart
~wisdom from You for the moment's need
~watching her get purple polish on her nails, laughing over the color
~husband picking up a prepared dinner for us and skipping his gym class to spend time with me after a long, wearying day
~long weekend with my beloved
~putting someone else's desires and needs ahead of my own (definitely grace!)
~all the folks who work hard with hands and bodies, doing labor I could never do and serving with such little notice or applause
3 gifts summer:
~froggy in the garden when the sprinkler runs
~lizard in a jar, amazing the little nephews
~air conditioner working hard in car and home
3 gifts cut:
~fresh treat log diced for Ebony's training rewards
~husband sawing off tree branches that were scraping the roof
~the covenant You cut with us in the Lamb who takes away sins
3 gifts yellow:
~lantana bursting into fresh blooms
~birthday flowers for a sister
~slice of her cake brought home to share
~women's Bible study resuming Wednesday
~this week's memory verses:
And he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfillment—to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ (Ephesians 1:9-10, NIV1984).
(still taking the Joy Dare, counting God's good gifts #7175-7194)