Monday, July 2, 2012

Ann Voskamp on Family Life, Writing, and God's Mysterious Ways

This hour-long interview of One Thousand Gifts author Ann Voskamp by Dr. Marvin Olasky of Patrick Henry College encouraged me in so many ways when I viewed it Saturday. The following topics most challenged and resonated with me:
  • the dedication required of her whole family during the writing process and subsequent speaking engagements,
  • how she approaches the writing/blogging discipline from both logistical and spiritual perspectives,
  • how trusting God when His ways don't make sense to us compares to feeding on manna from His hand,
  • her response to the popularity of her book and blog,
  • how she reads and how her reading informs the writing process, and
  • what God is doing in her right now.
If you yourself practice writing, if Ann's story in the book blessed you, or if you are a home educator in need of encouragement, this video would, I think, be well worth your time. Settling in for a quiet hour to listen and learn from the conversation recorded here was a highlight of my week.

{If reading in a feed reader or via email, you may need to access the video on the Web at this link:}
Sharing with Michelle, even though I heard it Saturday.