Monday, June 11, 2012

Three Keys to Happiness {Psalm 84}

How lovely is Your dwelling place,
Lord of Hosts. 
I long and yearn
for the courts of the Lord;
my heart and flesh cry out for the living God.
Even a sparrow finds a home,
and a swallow, a nest for herself
where she places her young—
near Your altars, Lord of Hosts,
my King and my God.
Psalm 84:1-3, HCSB

Our house sparrows enjoying the suet

1. Dwell in praise and God's presence (v.4):
How happy are those who reside in Your house,
who praise You continually. 

2. Find strength in Him to keep journeying on, even through the valley of weeping (v.6), toward our true Home (v.5):
Happy are the people whose strength is in You,
whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.

3. Put your trust in the LORD of hosts (v.12):
Happy is the person who trusts in You,
Lord of Hosts!

Lord, You define happiness so differently from the world around us, from the flesh within us. Raise our eyes toward You in praise. Fix our hearts on following You, no matter what. Grow our trust in You. You are the fountain of all happiness. Grant us grace to receive the joy You offer this day, through Jesus our truest joy. Amen.

This week I have heard God whispering love to me in such specific, tailor-made ways. All thanks and praise to Him for His goodness and gifts:
~this prayer which calls me by name just now
~Corrie ten Boom quotes: "There is nothing too great for God's power; there is nothing too small for His love," and "God has no problems, only plans. There is never panic in heaven."
~her testimony of how God brought her a handkerchief for her cold in the concentration camp, just moments after her sister prayed for one
~encouraging card and note at perfect time
~text and photo message from dear friend
~my friend Courtney's beautiful artwork incorporating poems from here
~new dishwasher, so quiet and effective
~2.5" of rain and an unseasonably cool June day
~new gutters carrying the runoff away from the house (their first test passed)
~happy hour at the frozen yogurt shop near A's office
~lunch with Mom and Dad
~virtual vacation through their travel photos
~a friend's shared song lyrics that spoke to my heart
~the power of a well-told story
~Ebony's tail thumping happily in his sleep
~laughing at the young cardinal who is still figuring out the feeding tray and sometimes comes up with a seed all over her face

~arrangements for surgery Tuesday to repair Mom's broken wrist have come together quickly after discovery that the bones moved
~my cancer survivor friend's good CT results
~more beans, tomatoes, and blackberries from the garden
(gratitude journal, #6265-6283)