Saturday, May 19, 2012

New Set of Wheels

It's not obvious in the photos, but he was only slightly less excited than my 5 year-old nephews receiving their first bikes earlier in the year.

What is going on here? Is that food?
The new job brings the possibility that Allen can commute on two wheels instead of four when he wishes. We share a single car, so this helps with logistics of errands and appointments as well as affording my love the outdoor time and activity he craves. Besides, cycling is good stewardship of health and the natural resources God has provided. Our town has a good system of jogging/biking trails and has recently worked at establishing bicycle routes on lower-traffic streets.

Decisive action is one thing I admire about my husband. I mentioned once that perhaps the new job might be close enough to bike to work, and he started mapping and researching. By the end of the week, he had brought home his new wheels. Two days later, he was riding off into the morning, whereas I would still have been turning over the idea in my mind, trying it on to see how it fit, what the negatives would be, whether they were worth it. And I would likely have missed out on the adventure.

Nope. Not food.

Aren't you done yet?

So far Allen has pedaled his way through three and a half commutes. Unhappily, a pedal broke halfway to work on the fourth day. He soldiered on the rest of the way but called for backup to get himself and the bike back home.

We have a replacement pedal in hand now, or rather in foot, so Allen is back in business for the week ahead. (The bicycle still remains nameless, but we're working on that. "Avalon" of course brings thoughts of Arthur, Merlin, and Camelot, but that's as far as I've gotten. Gwen, maybe? Are bicycles feminine like ships, do you think?)

It feels like it's been a quiet week on the blog but a fairly busy one otherwise. These photos have waited patiently to be shared to give you a peek into what's happening at Wits' End. You are not forgotten, dear crumbles; my limited concentration has simply been demanded elsewhere of late. You are nonetheless in my thoughts and prayers.

"May grace and peace be multiplied to you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord" (2 Peter 1:2)!