Thursday, January 12, 2012
For the Ugly Days
For the ugly, upside-down, used-up days,
For the soggy, sorry, sadsack days,
When naps and tempers run short and nights and lists stretch long,
When life feels like slogging through a muddy pit in stocking feet,
When even my gratitude is growled,
When I hate the things I'm doing and thinking but can't seem to find the solid ground,
Grace came for such as these, for sinners like me.
For the helpless (strike one),
for the ungodly (strike two)
Christ died.
For sinners (strike three) He died;
enemies (strike four*) He reconciled.
On the days I feel disqualified for anything else,
I qualify for grace.
Return to the cross, O my soul.
Let the Grace-Man wash you clean.
*Grateful acknowledgement to Dottie Connor Bingham of Gracestoration for the four-strikes-and-you're-qualified idea.