Monday, November 28, 2011

Tastes of His Goodness

Taste and see that the LORD is good;
How happy is the man who takes refuge in Him!
Psalm 34:8, HCSB

Tastes of God's goodness for which I'm thanking Him:
lowest pain day when I most wanted it
waking up to voicemail from one of the TNTS youth
sister's family coming to visit
nephew hugs
three silly Snoopy-spinners
soft places to land
four hands (or six or eight) on the piano keys
surprise visit from aunt, cousin, and cousin's little girl (second cousin?)
turkey and fixings
three pies, sister-made
leftovers to take home
Cheetos for the last course before dessert??
Ticklemonster alive and well
flowers still blooming
visit and meal with same TNTS young man, home from college for the weekend
endurance enough for church
long nap afterward
Penderwicks books from the library
memories of adventures with my own sisters
Christmas decorations slowly coming together
gifts to wrap
Nativity scene set out
wise men wandering
making my Nonni laugh

(from the gratitude journal in the 2200s)

I hope your Thanksgiving, if you celebrated it, was full of joy. That was my prayer for you Crumbles. Where have you tasted God's goodness lately?

linking up with Ann and Laura today...