Monday, November 14, 2011

Just the List, Ma'am

Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good;
His faithful love endures forever.
Psalm 107:1, HCSB

Today I return thanks to Him for these tokens of His affection:
~ability to support a friend at a celebration of her cancer journey
~nothing suspicious found at my annual skin cancer screening
~Allen rearranging bookshelves for a roomier feel in my office/workshop/physical therapy center
~good news that my sister's family is coming to my town for Thanksgiving
~a pot of gift mums from 2007 is flourishing in the garden and in full bloom just now

~birthday roses from 2010 blushing happily in the cooler weather and autumn rain

~ups and downs of strength and pain teaching me to abide in the true vine
~another friend recovering well from major surgery
~good conversation
~God's patience and grace with me
~praying for friends
~no bee population crisis in our garden

~monarchs decreasing but still splendid
This one's for you, Amy. :)
~honeycomb words
~Ebony's gentle complacency with the neighborhood children's eager attention (not the case with our previous dogs)
~peppers and tomatoes which missed the memo that it's November

(still counting gifts, #2168-2183)