Monday, October 24, 2011

When Pain Comes...

Pain is not something most people like.  That is why we run from it as fast as we can.  That is also why we aren’t free.  Jesus hardly ever goes to those places where we run.  When pain comes (or when we fear that it will come), don’t run away.  Run to it, and you will find you have run into the arms of Jesus.  In other words, buck up, face it, embrace it, and know that you and Jesus can deal with it.  Then you will laugh and dance in the freedom and the reality of God’s sufficiency and the power that becomes awesome in your weakness (Steve Brown, A Scandalous Freedom).

 Blessing the Lord for all His gifts once again:
~Spending time in Jesus' company in the Gospels for my morning reading
~Several portions of days with zero back-hip-foot pain
~Sinus check-up showing no bacterial infection as a result of this cold
~Substitute ENT was exceedingly kind and gentle
~Highest lupus pain week in months
~Discouraging realization that improved coping with activities of daily life is from lots of added pain medication and not from actual healing of underlying problem
~Sacrifices of praise
~Texted prayer requests
~Waves of anxiety driving me to the Savior
~Piano keys beneath my fingers
~Peace and protection while Allen traveled for a family funeral
~Time for each of us with our respective parents
~Trying on my English major hat again for Jane Eyre movie
~Waking up to wet windows and almost 2" needed rain in the gauge
~Grieving with those who grieve at neighborhood church where pastor unexpectedly passed away over the weekend
(from the gratitude journal, #1976-1990)