Monday, August 29, 2011

New Week, New Morning, New Mercies

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23, ESV

"Great is Thy faithfulness!"
"Great is Thy faithfulness!"
  Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided—
    "Great is Thy faithfulness," Lord, unto me!

from Thomas O. Chisholm, "Great Is Thy Faithfulness"

Kind friends, may we drink deeply of God's unchanging mercies and faithfulness through whatever changes and challenges we face in this new week. Lord, open our eyes to Your new graces for each need this day. Amen.

Giving thanks to the Triune God for His gracious gifts once again...
~His unchanging faithfulness, mercy, and grace
~His adequacy for this day

~remnants of color in the garden still, after 60+ days of afternoons hotter than 100F

~seeing our first young cardinal (scruffy fellow!) foraging beneath the feeder
~wise husband who responds to SOS text with prayer and turn-by-turn navigation through tricky conversation
~PT progress
~strength to drive myself to and from Wednesday's appointment without demanding anyone else's time
~another month of twice-weekly appointments scheduled
~possibility some of those might be canceled, time off for good behavior
~a minor family tech support success without escalating the issue to level II (i.e., Big Al)
~a head-on collision with the Ebony Express only bruised my mouth and my ego, and broke no teeth
~waking up to thunder and listening for rain
~0.1" of morning rain
~street repair seems successful, as the puddles disappeared in less than a day

Espresso cookies from La Duni

Sourdough from Empire Baking Company
~Artizone delivery of more than daily bread, casseroles, produce, and a treat or two
~Groupon deal to make Artizone affordable for us
~pantry and produce drawer full of Angel Food order
~online ordering, mail carriers, and delivery folks to assist with the shopping
~reader e-mails and comments, when I answer and when I can't (yet)
~thoughts in sync with friends. Great minds think alike, and so do ours. :)

~handmade soap delivery from On a Branch Soaps: beautiful from packaging to appearance to scent... such a delight!
~free samples
~...including this one created by Tara for blog friend Teagirl in a Coffee World

~the front of the house is completely repainted. Hip hip, hooray!
(from the gratitude list, #1362-1386)