Monday, July 25, 2011


O God, You are my God;
earnestly I seek You.
My soul thirsts for You;
my flesh faints for You,
as in a dry and weary land,
where there is no water.
Psalm 63:1, ESV

We in north Texas are talking much of two things right now: heat and water. Today is predicted to be the 24th consecutive day of temperatures higher than 100F, and my city has had no rain at all this month.

The grass in the parks is August-brown already. The crepe myrtles, usually a bright spot in the green-brown landscape through Labor Day, are losing enthusiasm, too.

Water rationing has begun, and many homeowners are choosing to protect their lawns or their foundations, which tend to shift as our clay soil expands and contracts with changes in water or heat.

Even Ebony is lagging in his morning walks.

Every glance outside reminds me of our dependence on God. Even the wealthiest and most powerful nations on earth are powerless against the problems of too much or too little water. Only the God who made the heavens and earth can give the hydration needed to sustain life here.

The thirsty plants remind me, too, that my deepest hunger and deepest thirst are not for health or beauty or professional significance, but for God Himself. My soul thirsts for Him; my body faints with longing for Him.

And that thirst He promises to satisfy. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but in this life partially and Someday in full.

Then the One seated on the throne said, "Look! I am making everything new." He also said, "Write, because these words are faithful and true." And He said to me, "It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give to the thirsty from the spring of living water as a gift.
Revelation 21:5-6, HCSB

{see also this song from Nichole Nordeman}

Thanking God today for more of His gracious gifts:
~visual reminders every time I look outside that my primary thirst is for my Creator and Redeemer, the God who is my salvation

~Asiatic lilies, more sunflowers, and zinnias providing bright spots in an otherwise sunbleached, drought-fatigued landscape

~Isaiah 40-43: "Do not fear; I am with you," over and over again
~your prayers for me and mine
~transportation lined up for the first two weeks of August's physical therapy (in case it hurts or wears me out too much to drive safely)
~the two women from church, one who knows me only a little and the other not at all, who have offered their time and energy to meet that need
~Allen taking a personal day to support me through the first therapy session and the predicted pain increase afterward
~3 months with no antibiotics for any problem (longest stretch since November 2009)
~our governor's call for a state day of prayer and fasting August 6
~celebrating a birthday with family (thanks for your prayers!)
~cowboy boots a size too big
~superhero hugs
~Grandma hugs
~the way my sister tells a funny story
~party blowouts as weapons
~birthday cake
~trick candles
~cars, trucks, and things that go
~baseballs, beach balls, bouncy balls
~friendly neighbors and their prayers
~good memories of my grandfather and his love for reading and Tootsie Rolls. He would have been 95 yesterday.
~redeeming a Groupon for grocery delivery from small local vendors
~courage to keep doing the prescribed exercises even when they increase discomfort
~a whole week, Lord willing, with no medical appointments on the calendar
~watching the sky

(from the gratitude list, #1016-1043)