Monday, May 2, 2011

Spring Prayer

God of the wildflowers,
I worship You.
Profligate sower of beauty
In unexpected fields of pink and white,

In a cluster of purple iris peeking
Royal heads out from the underbrush,

Photo credit: Big Al
In flashes of perfume
Lavished on wild honeysuckle vines
Scampering up tree, over bridge,
Like a schoolboy at recess—
Photo credit: Big Al
I give You praise.

Forgive my false belief
That You,
God of the wildflowers,
Would be any less generous
With me.

Let Your bright gaze
Open my heart
And affections
Like morning glories.

Since it's Monday, I give thanks in community to the God of heaven and earth and wildflowers for
~Beautiful colors and forms in His creation
~Sermons in the flowers
~His patience with this little-faith
~New book-friends
~Specific prayers specifically answered
~How He amazes me with His grace in this online place
~The first in-season strawberries after a two-week dental delay.  Yum!
~Very informative rheumatology appointment which clarified some expectations about the costochondritis recovery and encouraged me about my bone health
~Mom's fellowship in the car to and from said appointment
~Chocolate-chip scones made by my sister.  More yum!
~Graduation announcement from a healthy, beautiful, talented niece
~Allen plants, Allen waters, but God causes the growth. . . .
The central clump is before; the rest of the fine, green "hair" is after. Part of the yard, at least, is showing progress.
~more new neighbors at the bird buffet
One of these red-headed finches is Atticus; Bachelor #2 will receive a name if he sticks around long enough.
~The last Pioneer Spirit rose from the first bloom

(from my gratitude list, #139-152)
You may read other contributions to the chorus of praise by clicking the button below: