Monday, April 18, 2011

Remembering: A Poem

Roses after spring storm

Yesterday was an anniversaire of
Few knew;
No one remembered;
But twenty years ago,
The angels danced.
~crm, 4/18/2007

Today I'm quietly, thankfully remembering God's grace in opening my eyes 24 years ago yesterday to my sin, His holiness, and the sufficiency of Christ's death and resurrection for me.  I cast myself on His mercies--how could I not?--and life has never been the same.

Starting fresh again, still giving thanks to God in community. . . 
. . . salvation, Christ, Gethsemane, Golgotha, empty garden tomb. . .
. . . joy in heaven, transformation on earth, Him holding me fast with every reason not to. . .
. . .grace. . .
. . .visiting with family from out of town, out of state, out of country. . .
. . .storm sirens rousting us out of bed in the middle of the night, shelter in interior room, our houseguest a good sport. . .
. . .primrose and larkspur meadow in back garden, roses blooming like crazy. . .
. . .in all this changing life, "Give Me Jesus"

(Gratitude journal #1-16)