Monday, April 4, 2011

A Family That Plays Together

    "We need to understand that God does at times give us an infusion of joy even in our bitterness and hard-heartedness.  But that is the abnormal situation.  God's normal means of bringing his joy is by redeeming and sanctifying the ordinary junctures of human life.  When the members of a family are filled with love and compassion and a spirit of service to one another, that family has reason to celebrate.
". . . Joy is found in obedience.  When the power that is in Jesus reaches into our work and play and redeems them, there will be joy where once there was mourning.  To overlook this is to miss the meaning of the Incarnation" (Richard Foster, Celebration of Discipline, 193).
Thank You, Lord, for. . .
4207. Lovely weather and a shady spot for Dad's family birthday picnic
4208. My sun protection umbrella arrived in time for the time outside
4209. Ability to take part in the family gathering
4210. Husband, parents, sisters, brother-in-law, and nephews all together for celebration
4211. Hugs
4212. Birthday cake two weekends in a row
4213. Recovered equilibrium from two bits of negative health news this week
4214. Not always getting what I want
4215. Dental insurance
4216. Doctors with nurses' lines available for advice
4217. The One who made my bones to begin with is able to sustain and strengthen them
4218. A lovely, spontaneous e-mail conversation about books with a friend working in the Middle East
4219. Another unexpected e-mail conversation with a high school friend with a different autoimmune disease
4220. She "gets it" without my having to explain
4221. A wonderful, wise, grace-filled novel I'm just meeting for the first time
4222. A comment and a note confirming that God is answering my prayer-desire to serve and encourage cross-cultural workers in this place
4223. The joy of community through Ann Voskamp's Monday Multitudes and Walk with Him Wednesday lists
4224. Waking up to thunder and heavy rain today in a dry year so far
4225. How did I forget? Three generations of boys playing with Grandpa's childhood train set :)