Monday, March 14, 2011


The Israelites refuse to enter the Promised Land because the enemies are too many and powerful.  Complaining against Moses and Aaron, they plan to appoint a new leader and return to Egypt.

Moses and Aaron fall facedown (Numbers 14:1-6).

A Levite named Korah  incites the people to rebel against Moses and Aaron and God's revealed structure of priestly authority.  "The whole community is holy, not just you," he says.

Moses falls facedown (Numbers 16:1-4).

When the rebellion continues, the glory of the Lord appears, and He threatens to destroy the whole community.

Moses and Aaron fall facedown and ask God that the whole community not be destroyed for the sin of one man (Numbers 16:16-23). He grants their request.

Yet again the Israelites complain about their leaders, the glory of the Lord appears, and He threatens to destroy the whole lot of them.

Moses and Aaron fall facedown (Numbers 16:41-44).

And again the Israelites assemble in protest, quarreling with Moses about the scarcity of water and pleasant food.

"Then Moses and Aaron went from the presence of the assembly to the doorway of the tent of meeting. They fell down with their faces [to the ground], and the glory of the LORD appeared to them" (Numbers 20:6, HCSB).

So many repetitions in so few chapters have me thinking:  when faced with complaints, unjust criticism, imminent discipline, and fearsome enemies, how do I respond?  Do I clench my fists to fight or flee?  Or do I follow Moses' and Aaron's example and fall facedown before the living God, hands open to ask His mercy and receive what He deems best?

This week I have spent more of my prayer time facedown.  That feels like the right place for me to be.

While I'm there, I am thanking the Lord for
~The patience of God
~Scripture providing examples to follow and calls to transformation
~Freedom to offer our requests to God
~He truly hears and answers
~Strength and peace beyond what I could have asked for long medical appointment last week
~No sinus surgery needed at this time
~Gorgeous, windy week and opportunity to enjoy it long enough to snap photos
~Remembering to change our clocks forward
~Even the dog taking time to be still. Sometimes.
Ebony watching for squirrels
~Strong, healthy husband working in the yard on a Saturday
~In-laws supporting each other
~Loved ones' problems I can't solve but God can
~Access to good dental care
~Opportunity to trust God in dental hygiene appointment today {smile}
~Edifying, free reading material from Desiring God ministries
~Comfort of old book-friends (Anne's House of Dreams by Lucy Maud Montgomery)
~"Blue for the sky and the color green/That fills these fields with praise"
~The late Rich Mullins and his legacy of song
(Gratitude list #4096-4112)