Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Love Never Lets Go

“Thank GOD!  He deserves your thanks.  His love never quits” 

 (Ps 136:1, The Message).


            His love never quits.  It never lets go, never lets down, never lets up.
            His love never lets go of His children.  We are sustained by His everlasting arms.  The most furious weapons in the Destroyer’s arsenal are powerless to penetrate the grip of our Shepherd, the grasp of the Father.  Nothing can come between us and the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.  No one can run so far that she is beyond the reach of His grace.
            His love never lets us down.  The most faithful friend, the dearest lover, all fall short of the love we need.  Even righteous men stumble and fall.  The frailty of the flesh binds the arms of all who love us in the end.  Even father and mother may abandon us when the world turns hostile, but there’s always a light on in the window of the Father’s house to welcome us Home.
            His love never lets up.  He is not a tame lion, but relentlessly propels us along the path He prepares for us.  Knowing we would easily content ourselves with playing in the foothills of holiness, He works all things together to disenchant the status quo and impel us on our pilgrimage to the heights.  He will not rest until His inexhaustible love has exhausted itself, has made us like Jesus and given us the blessings of Him who overcame.
            His love never lets go, never lets down, never lets up.
            “Thank GOD!  He deserves your thanks.  His love never quits.”