Friday, November 19, 2010

The Gentleness of the Risen Christ

In John's account of the Resurrection, Jesus rises by stealth, under cover of darkness, in the interstitial silence between sentences.

This risen Christ appears not in majestic, light-enrobed, angelic-chorused splendor to taunt and terrify His enemies, but in homely humility to meet tender, personal needs among His friends.

To Mary Magdalene, paralyzed with lonely grief, He shows Himself alive and speaks her name.

To the Jew-fearing disciples behind locked doors, He breathes out peace and the Holy Spirit.

To Thomas in stubborn unbelief, He offers wounds in hands and side, reason to trust again.

To night-wearied fishermen, He gives a haul and a hot meal.

To sheepish, ashamed Peter, He extends another chance, a call, a commission.

Whatever your need, your wound, your grief, your failure today, the still-living Christ is able to meet you there.  May He show Himself to you and give you fresh hope.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! 
In his great mercy 
he has given us new birth 
into a living hope 
 through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
1 Peter 1:3, NIV