Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Staycation Photos

Blogger and I were having technical difficulties to start the week, so here are the visual aids for Monday's post.

For the first few days, this La Quinta (prettiest one ever!) was our home base:

Big Al brought the outdoors in through some photos of his trail treks, starting with an old railroad dam built to refill steam locomotives:

This is Ebony's new snack food friend Ajax:

Back home at Wits' End, the power-tool project of the week was a shed makeover.  There are no photos of the actual radial-saw and nail-gun part, as I was busy programming 911 into the speed dial.  No bloodshed this time, only splinters.

May you find eyes to see beauty and opportunity around you wherever you stay today.  May you find joy in time with the people you love, even if it looks different than you expect.  There are always moments to celebrate, if we only look for them.

"This is the day which the LORD has made;
         Let us rejoice and be glad in it" (Psalm 118:24).