Friday, September 24, 2010

Nature Walk

The change of seasons has taken the edge off the heat here, and I am surprised to see the changes on the walk down the driveway to the mailbox and back, which is still more or less my limit.  The big, showy changes like fall color or the first blooming trees and bulbs of spring always attracted my attention on my once-habitual long daily walks, but when my world was bigger the smaller details under my nose escaped my notice.

This year, I see, really see, that liriope blooms have filled the bed under the live oak;

the lantana by the curb is covered in gold;

and the live oak itself is dropping acorns.

The back garden still looks like summer, with roses, Turk's cap, okra, and cantaloupe not yet ready to close up shop.


Wherever Providence has you today, kind readers, may the Lord open your eyes to the beauty in your world and fill your heart with gratitude to Him who made it.