Monday, September 13, 2010

Glimpses of Gratitude 4: Wayside Pulpit

I went looking for grace—
    At a dot-com storefront
    (Books or yarn, today?);
    In a dressing-room mirror,
    Sighing over silk more pleasing on the rack;
    In red-gingham pastry paper
    From a neighborhood bakery;
    In romantic comedy,
    Players trying too hard to delight my discontent.

Grace fled in all these pursuits;
Or was it I myself fleeing grace,
Knowing without knowing, deeper,
Its wild autonomy,
Selecting as it wills,
To lavish or lament?

This savage grace apprehended me
With gentleness;
Penetrated windowless chamber, deadbolts,
Surprising me in duty’s dictated path—
    Blush-pink arms, laden with blossoms,
    Reaching heavenward from creekside litter,
    Lifting gratitude for spring;

    Sunset-pink roses aflame, alight
    Against charred shell of home,
    Fiercer burning mere days past;

 Chalk-scrawled command,
    In after-dinner-mint pastels on pavement.

I found grace,
Insistent on tenacity of hope.
~crm, 2009

Where has grace sought and found you this week?  Here are some of my grace places from the list:
817. Able to worship and take communion with my husband
818. A solid sermon on the Spirit's filling
819. Diverse mix of ages and cultures worshiping with us
820. The heroes who laid down their lives for their neighbors on 9/11/01
821. The heroes laying down their lives for others day by day
822. Long Saturday sleep
823. Patient, cheerful tech support
824. Reminder that fear and anxiety indicate need to yield control to God
825. Husband who fixes me almond butter and honey sandwiches
826. Frozen yogurt for dessert
827. Cards sent and received
828. Healthy nephews beginning to learn soccer
829. Choosing gifts for people I love (and UPS delivering them)
830. Bloggy glimpses into my friends' homes and daily lives