Monday, August 30, 2010

Glimpses of Gratitude 2

Enter His gates with thanksgiving
         And His courts with praise
         Give thanks to Him, bless His name.
    For the LORD is good;
         His lovingkindness is everlasting
         And His faithfulness to all generations (Psalm 100:4-5, NASB).

The world around us (and too often we ourselves) greets the work week with "a case of the Mondays."  God is no less good, no less loving, no less faithful on Mondays than on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.  May His joy shine forth from His people as we lean into His transforming grace to renew our minds through His Word.  May we enter the gates of this week with thanksgiving and praise to His holy name.

Gleanings from my gratitude list, #512-639:
-Stronger asthma medicine which is improving breathing comfort
-E-mails from two good friends
-Phone conversations with my grandmother, a distant friend, and my sisters
-Employment for a friend after long waiting and prayers
-10-degree drop in temperature for half the week
-Nearly an inch of needed rain
-Slow but steady strength gains
-Brenda, the woman who cleans for me every other week
-Half a top-secret knitting project completed
-Eating the frog first 
-Beauty Will Rise
-Disappointed desires offered to God in worship
-Even the most profound griefs are momentary, light afflictions from the perspective of eternity.
-Sandy grains of stinging troubles are producing weighty pearls of glory far beyond all comparison
-Open communication, even when it's uncomfortable
-Husband's wise counsel for needs around us
-Answered prayers
-Able to attend worship at neighborhood church with less pain than last time
-Monarch butterfly's aerial show in backyard

holy experience