Saturday, August 21, 2010


Today at Wits' End we are reflecting on and celebrating God's faithfulness through 11 years of marriage.  Some couples may set five- and 10-year goals in premarital counseling and systematically check them off, one by one.  We are not one of those couples.

The last 11 years have not resembled our expectations at all.  We went to Thailand, not India.  We stayed less than a year, not the rest of our lives.  The months have filled with much less international travel and much more time at computers and in medical offices than we ever dreamed.  We own a mortgage in my hometown, and our third dog keeps us laughing and chaperones us on movie nights.

Although the path has continually surprised us, our faithful Lord has never let us down.  Through it all, He and my beloved husband have proven themselves always much better than I deserve or could ask.