Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Thou Art the Same God {Part One: God of Yesterdays}

This is part one of a three-part poem written a decade ago. The other sections should post the following two Wednesdays while I adjust to some changes in schedule and circumstance. Lord willing, I will read your comments and pray for you, but thank you for understanding if I am unable to interact with you as I prefer and enjoy to do.

I.                    The God of my yesterdays:  memorial stones

The Lion,
Whose pursuit struck terror
In my runaway heart
Until my legs crumpled in exhaustion,
And You picked me up with velvet paws
And whispered in my ear
That You were shorn and slain,
The Lion a Lamb
For this black sheep.

The Lion,
Who carried me on Your back
Through labyrinthine doctrines,
Hedged about with cliffs and shadows,
Into Your truth and love.
You opened Your book
And told me Your story,
My story.
The Lion a Shepherd,
Teaching me to trust You.

A Lion still,
And bared Your claws to wound me,
Drops of tears and blood
Commingling in the pain
Until my legs crumpled beneath me,
And You picked me up with velvet paws
And whispered in my ear
That only weakness draws all eyes
To Your radiant strength.