How can it be that
All the weight of all the promises
And government will rest
On the wee shoulders
Of this bairn
In a borrowed crib?
This wrinkled, ruddy infant--
Can He be the seed of the woman,
the serpent-slayer;
the seed of Abraham,
the nations' blessing;
the seed of the shepherd singer,
the forever ruler?
Behold the Lamb of God
In a feed trough,
The Shepherd of Israel
Adored by shepherds,
The Word "without whom nothing"
Made wordless flesh,
The light of our shadowlands
Bathed in starlight.
And for what? Why did very God forsake
The splendor of His majesty?
For grace,
For love,
For kindness,
For my salvation He appeared,
For the pardon of this traitor heart,
For the redemption of this rebel sinner.
For the joy of my rescue
The King of kings became a ragamuffin
That I might become royalty.
Son of God, Son of Mary,
Swaddled Savior,
Messiah in a manger,
Glorious grace-giver.
I believe;
Help my unbelief.
He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God (John 1:11-12, ESV).