How quickly I forget the many great, pivotal, true stories found there, even though the New Testament refers back to several of them.
How quickly I forget how quickly the Israelites forgot the miracle of the manna, wailing, "We're all gonna die!" whenever no water was in sight.
How quickly they forgot the Passover, the Red Sea, the pillar of cloud and fire leading them through unknown territory. They forgot and despaired that the conquest of the Promised Land was too hard, the people too numerous and powerful, their own strength too little.
How quickly I forget that seeds of complaint ripen into fruit of rebellion, a "no" heart towards God, and even idolatry; that complaining equates to rejecting and despising God (Numbers 11:20); that fear is disobedience and unbelief (Numbers 14:9-11; Hebrews 3:12-15).
How quickly I forget. . .
So I remember Truth by reading it again and again. I remember God's goodness by slowing down to count His gifts.
Thank You, Lord, for
~Israel's example and God's glory recorded in Numbers
~Invitation to change my behavior in response to God's perspective on Israel's
~Yahweh's jealousy for my affections and trust
~His patience not to write me off because of complaints and fears
~Comic irony (yes, even in Scripture!) of the blind seer and the seeing donkey (Numbers 22-24)
~Curses turned to blessings (see item above)
~Disciplining Your children because You love us too much to leave us in our sins
~Daffodils, Bradford pears, and redbuds blooming out
~Gift of new poem after dry spell
~Celebrating sister's birthday
~Husband taking time off work to accompany me to the doctor downtown. Again. He is too good.
~Three consecutive nights of sound sleep
~New pain medicine improving costochondritis control
~Loving prayers undergirding me
~Practicing gratitude in community, week by week
(from the gratitude journal, #4040-4054)