Monday, August 23, 2010

Glimpses of Gratitude

For more than a decade, my journaling practice has included writing down specific thanks to God for His goodness in my days.  Like daily spiritual medicine, this has proven one of the most transforming habits of faith for me, since gratitude is diametrically opposed to anxiety and discontent.  The written aspect slows me down long enough to reflect and recognize graces I might otherwise rush right past.

Ann at A Holy Experience added the new idea of numbering the list.  Recently I started over at 1 with the new chapter of this lupus flare.  Here are a few glimpses from my list the last two weeks:

377. Positive progress report from my rheumatologist (with some activity restrictions relaxed)
408. Neighbor available, skilled, and willing to help at the very moment a family member's car battery died in my driveway!
416. Left the house for non-medical reasons for the first time in six weeks
432. Time with my mom and both sisters
438. My husband's help with blog set-up and tech support
451. Loose leaf tea
466. Positive report from cardiology workup
467. Above-and-beyond kindness of lab tech who performed stress echo
489. Watching our wedding video on our anniversary
491. Strength to dress up and go out to an actual restaurant for our anniversary supper
505. Nearly pain-free yesterday

If this strikes a chord with you, dear Crumble, won't you consider beginning your own list and joining the Gratitude Community?  You will be thankful you did.

holy experience